Monday, 5 April 2021

Customers Beware!


Customers Beware! (Abridged, easy-to-read version)

1. Electrolysis and laser hair removal (LHR) aren't for everyone. For non-exhaustive lists, please click here for electrolysis  and click here for LHR.

Customers must understand that, in order to achieve results of permanent hair removal/reduction, your follicles must be inflamed 10-15 minutes after electrolysis or laser hair removal treatments. Once follicles & skin received trauma, they will heal by firstly inflame (red & swollen); some scabs may form; post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) may also form. These are not permanent and are parts of normal skin healing process, unlike permanent scars.

For LHR, no follicular inflammation, no results!

Mild hair follicle inflammation, less results!


Video search via Google or TikTok using the following keyword: "perifollicular edema hair removal"

Ex 1,   Ex 2,   Ex 3

Please note that, PIH can last from a few months upto around 2 years while gradually fading away. If you don't want to wait that long, there are quicker solutions for this PIH. But your hair is gone forever!


If scabs appear, do not scratch them away. This can cause scarring. Allow them to fall off naturally. Avoid any heat and frictions over the treated areas. For examples, avoid wearing chafing fabrics. Tight & chafing clothing may scratch scabs, create frictions & heat over the skin that still inflames causing prolonged healing process. Wear loose breathable natural fabrics such as cotton or linen. Avoid using hot water, but using cold or slightly lukewarm water to shower treated area for at least 48-72 hrs post treatment.



How skin look after Electrology hair removal:






Click here for another example of how skin normally heals post laser hair removal.


Provided you are good candidate for LHR and strictly follow our instructions, you will receive more than 80-95% permanent hair reduction within 4 - 6 treatments, within initial 2 years.

3.1 For electrology, some customers are so naive that they don't even realise that they are being over-treated by their therapists. As a client, you should be able to distinguish "normal healing vs under-treatment vs over-treatment".

-- One time of electrolysis over-treatment can cause scarring (= permanent mark). How do you know that your are overtreated? See case photos & vdos under subtopics:

"How your skin should temporarily look after electrolysis treatment?" &

"Examples of bad treatments =>"

Signs of overtreatements from electrolysis:
your treated skin area either:
i) is being blanched, become hypo-pigmentation  and/or

ii) oozes clear yellowish liquid, open pinpoint wounds develop

-- Multiple timeS of electrolysis under-treatmentS can also cause permanent scars because your therapist doesn't have the right skills and/or cannot see your hair because of no proper visual aids and/or insufficient lighting, thus cannot remove your hair permanently within one attempt and have to treat the same follicles over and over. These scars take time to develop. It's scary and mostly concerned because it isn't obvious. How do you know that you are not under-treated? You shouldn't feel being plucked and you should see result. For more info read "Expectation:".


3.2 For any light/optical therapies, including laser, IPL and diode hair removal, over-treated signs of blistering and/or burning will not appear straight after you are hit by the light beam, but few minutes or even few hours after that. This is the reason why patch tests must be performed for different areas at least few days prior to the treatment.

So how do you know that you are over-treated?
When light beam hitting your skin, you will feel like a hot rubber-band snap and/or needling hotness of your hair follicles, without any lingering pain/soreness &/or heat. Your skin should cool down almost immediately. If it feels extremely hot, sore and is not cooling down, you MUST alert your therapist immediately. The heat & pain should go away almost immediately as soon as the pulse stopped & moved away from that treated spot.
Any lingering pain or burning sensation can result in blisters and/or burn.

Compared to the situation when you have extended sun exposure, such as when you go to the beach, you will only feel lingering heat but you won't see any skin reactions yet. Then within a day or two after that skin reaction either tanning, blistering, peeling or sun burn will start to appear. This is similar to burn caused by light therapies, such as Laser, diode, IPL or LED.


4. Hair should gradually fall out within a week or two after treatment. Although this may appear to be hair growth at first, it is not. This process is called purging or shedding and will take time (upto 1-2 weeks after the treatment). If this does NOT happen, the LHR treatment wasn't effective and don't waste your money and time to resume the next LHR session/treatment.


5. For LHR, timing between each session is essential, not only to obtain the most ultimate long-term result in hair removal/reduction, but also to minimise hypertrichosis risks. Your 1st & 2nd sessions should be between 6 to 8 weeks apart. Then subsequent 3rd to 6th session should be between 6 weeks to 6 months apart. Since laser/diode/IPL works effectively for hair only in anagen. When to resume next LHR session? Not too soon while more density of hair is still required & not too late when hair grow out too long - hair may no longer be in anagen phase of hair growth cycle. These can ruin your ultimate result to have the uttermost reduction. Resume next session as soon as majority of your hair start emerging out from skin. Good time to have treatment is when majority of hair is in anagen, only then u will get the greatest ultimate reduction result.




6. For some clients with undiagnosed insulin resistance (***must watch this***) and/or history of allergy, hey fever, eczema, allergic hives, urticaria, over reactive histamine, itch or etc., they may experience intensified and prolonged inflammation of hair follicles post treatment, thus delayed healing. This is NOT over treatment, but the way how their bodies react to inflammation of destroyed hair follicles, but not skin. Taking oral anti-histamine, such as hayfever tablets, 1 hour before & 48-72 hrs after treatment procedure is optionally recommended to prevent scratching. Optionally, topical creams, such as zinc oxide, steroids or anti-histamine, can also be applied to the itchy areas.
If itchy, please DO NOT scratch cause it can lead to delayed healing even further, and lead to intensified + prolonged PIH.
(For laser hair removal, therapist should NOT reduce settings because aim is to destroy hair follicles, thus damaged/inflamed follicles are our aims!)

-- Examples of non-steroidal creams
-- 1% hydrocortisone creams (Warning! They can have negatively serious effects. Pls read this before buying/using them.)



7. How does skin look and feel after being over treated by LHR?

Some photos were from Hairtell Forum

8. Some examples of unwanted effects after LHR

Other topics:

-- Go back to starting page, click here.


-- Care after Electrolysis/Laser Hair Removal Treatment (aloe vera containing no alcohol)

-- Quick fix for Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) after electrolysis hair removal

-- Electrolysis PERMANENT Hair Removal (or Needle Epilation)


-- Laser Hair Removal (LHR)

-- Overtreatment by LHR: How to detect/spot if u r over-treated & After care 



Other interesting links:

-- Skin Pores

-- Scabbing

-- Redness of the Skin (Erythema) and Angiogenesis

-- Hyperpigmentation 

